Music Melodies
1. Teach the new vocabulary (instruments) students need to complete the activity.
2. Students share what instruments they or people in their family can play. 3. Students listen to a piece of western music and a piece of traditional Chinese music and identify which instruments they can hear in the two pieces of music.
4. Teach the musical instruments in Chinese from the activity.
5. Students identify which music genres each of the Empties could belong to. Refer back to the music genres from ‘Culture Clubbing’ and teach additional ones as needed.
6. Introduce the Mission Director’s instructions and students do the activity in pairs.
Deconstruction: Discuss:
1. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?Why?
2. If you could meet any famous singer or musician, who would it be? If you could only ask three questions, what would they be?