Activity 1: Who’s Chinese?
1. Students identify in groups what a person from their home country looks like. Elicit ideas to the class.
2. Students identify in groups what a Chinese person looks like. Elicit ideas and a list of features that students think might help identify a Chinese person.
3. Have a look on a world map at the size of China. Compare it to your home country. Do students think all Chinese people would look the same? 4. Use the map in ‘Live It: Who’s Chinese’ and identify the different regions in China. Display pictures of what a Tibetan, Han Chinese and Uygur person look like. What differences can they see in physical appearance?
5. Introduce the Mission Director’s instructions and students complete the activity in pairs
6. Students check answers with another partner or pair.
Note: Ask students if there were any people who they found difficult to identify? Highlight picture 4 in the left column, note the features of a Uyghur person.
Activity 2: Customs
1. Students identify customs they might have when they do the following things: Visit someone who is sick, enter someone’s home, eat food with a group of people, attend a wedding. Share ideas as a class.
2. Introduce the Mission Director’s instructions and students complete the activity.
3. Students compare in a group. Which were similar and/or different?
4. Ask them to work with a partner and identify which customs they think they would see in China.
5. In pairs, students make a ‘5 finger list’ of Chinese customs and customs from their home country.